Computer Facility

Each laboratory at ACBR has one or more computers. There are two computer rooms for M.Sc. & Ph.D. students with ~20 computers. All the computers are linked with the University network.
Students have access to the latest software for net surfing and research purpose. We have discovery series (Quantity 1) for gel documentation, Cn3D, Rasmol for Molecular modeling. The centre has Omega (GCG for sequence analysis of DNA & Proteins) and Molecular Modeling Software from Accelrys, Japan. We have number of workstations with LINUX for study of Protein-protein Interaction, Ligand-protein and Ligand-DNA Interaction studies. This program can also be used to design primers from a given sequence & various sites for restriction enzymes can also be mapped on a given sequence. Various instruments based softwares are available with Infrared Spectrometer UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Fluorescence Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatograph and high performance HPLC which make research work easy.
The UGC has sanctioned a five-year project for the development of computer-based course for the M.Sc.- Ph.D. combined degree program and providing assistance to support the facility. In addition, the ACBR has its homepage on the Internet and one can get information on the Website, http\\
ACBR has different search engines and databases that enable them to search for data and literature through Medline and other bookmarks. Presently, a DBT sponsored Bioinformatics is in operation at the Center.
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (DBT)Bioinformatics Facility was created at ACBR in the year 2003 with purchase of Molecular Modeling software Insight II, GCG, TSAR from Accelrys. Later on since 2006 the facility is being funded and supported by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India. The primary objective of this facility is to promote biology teaching and understand its different aspects computationally through bioinformatics. It provides services to the host faculty and other neighbouring institutions of higher education in terms of Internet connectivity, retrieval of online and offline biological databases, bioinformatics software and tools for facilitating biological research particularly in the area of sequence and phylogenetic analysis, database development, molecular modeling and drug design, etc. We also periodically organize hands-on trainings on various aspects of application of bioinformatics tools and molecular techniques in biological research. ACBR since 2008 has consecutively organised workshops for the better understanding of different modules of drug design tools. These workshops trained number approximately 75 participants from different universities over the period of time in the field of bioinformatics and its applications in computer aided drug design.
We have Molecular Modelling Software from Acclerys, Japan, HIPERCHEM, AMBER, discovery series (Quantity 1) for gel documentation, Cn3D, Rasmol for Molecular visualization. The centre has Omega (GCG for sequence analysis of DNA & Proteins) and. We have number of workstations with LINUX for study of Protein-protein Interaction, Ligand-protein and Ligand-DNA Interaction studies. This program can also be used to design primers from a given sequence & various sites for restriction enzymes can also be mapped on a given sequence. ACBR is equipped with eight HP 4300 and 4600 workstations, one SGI silicon graphics workstation. Besides this a good number of latest computers are available in central computer room, Library and laboratories and students get hands on training on these computers which are placed in very spacious air conditioned Computer labs.
Biomedical Research LibraryACBR Library has excellent collections of textbooks and reference books. Besides this, many noted Professors and students have donated books to the library. This collection of books is available for both students and faculty members. A book bank facility is also available at ACBR.
The ACBR Library has books in the field of Animal Physiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Radiation Biology, Immunology, Toxicology, Parasitology , Microbiology, Instrumentation analysis, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Natural Products, Biostatistics etc. Laboratory manuals are also available for pursuing research work. The ACBR subscribes to a few select journals in the area of Biomedical Sciences.
The ACBR runs a Book Bank intended to assist students, from the economically weaker sections of the society, by giving text books on loan to deserving students for a whole academic session, according to the rules framed for the purpose.
Central Instrumentation FacilityUniversity has a Centralized Instrumentation Facility in which some of the very sophisticated research equipments are installed and these are available to students and faculty for obtaining scientific data for research work. The facility is called University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) and is located near the Central Science Library. There are three workshops as well namely; Electronic workshop; Mechanical workshop and Glass Blowing workshop where related repair and fabrication work can be done.
University Science Instrumentation Center (USIC) is an integral part of the University and acts as a support system to University Departments.